Notes Visual Studio Code
Multiple Cursor / Selections
- Alt + Click - Will allow you to create multiple cursors.
- Ctrl + Alt + Up - Will create a cursor above the current cursor.
- Ctrl + Alt + Down - Will create a cursor below the current cursor.
- Ctrl + D - Will select the word at the cursor, or the next occurrence of current selection.
Copy Line & Insert
- Shift + Alt + Up - Will copy the line where the cursor and insert it below.
- Shift + Alt + Down - Will copy the line where the cursor and insert it above.
Column Selection
- Shift + Alt - While holding Shift + Alt, drag or click on the opposite corner of what you want selected.
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Down - Columns select down.
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Up - Columns select up.
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left - Columns select left.
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Right - Columns select right.
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Page Down - Columns select page down.
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Page Up - Columns select page up.
Auto Save Toggle
- File > Auto Save - Will save the document after a delay or when focus leaves the editor.
Find & Replace
- Ctrl + F - Will open the Find widget.
- Go To Next Found - Enter.
- Go To Previous Found - Shift + Enter.
- Seed Search String - When the Find Widget is opened, it will automatically populate the selected text in the editor into the find input box.
- Find In selection - By default, the find operations are run on the entire file in the editor. It can also be run on selected text. You can turn this feature on by clicking the hamburger icon on the Find Widget.
- Match Case - Click on the "Aa".
- Match Whole Word - Click on the "Ab" with lines above and below.
- Use Regular Expression - Click on the dot asterisk.
Multiline Find
- Multiline Selection - A multiline selection will automatically become a multiline find.
- Ctrl + Enter - Will add a newline to the find text box.
Search In Files
- Ctrl + Shift + F - Will open a file search box.
Wrap Selected Text
- Ctrl + Alt + W - Will open a entry box.
- Whatever you type in the box will be wrapped arround the selected text
- Adding an ID is done by typing a hashtag "#" and the id name
- Adding Classes is done by typing a dot "." and the class name