Notes Javascript - Client-Side Frameworks
Quick Reference
Flow control, Iteration, Functions, Errors, Events, Data Structures, Classes
Javascript Overview
Language Details, Variables, Hoisting, Scope, Data Structures, Literals, Special Characters
Control Flow
If Else, Switch, For Next, Do While, While Do, For In, For Of with Arrays, Break, Continue
Error Handling
Throw Esception, Error Object, Custom Errors, DOMEsception, Try Catch
Declaration, Function Expression, Scope, Recursion, Anonymous, Closures, Immediately Invoked Function Expression, Namespace, Nesting, Arguments, Parameters, Arrow Functions, Predefined Functions
Expressions & Operators
Assignment, Destructuring, Evaluation & Nesting, Comparison, Arithmetic, Bitwise, Binary Switches, Bitwise Logical, Bitwise Shift, Logical Operators, Short-Circuit Evaluation, BigInt, String, Ternary, Comma, Unary, Relational, Spread Syntax, Short Circuiting
Numbers & Dates
Number Object, Math Object, Date Object
Text Formatting
String Literals, Extended Characters, EC Table, String Object, String Functions, Template Literals
Regular Expressions
RE Methods, String RE Methods, Building REs, Character Classes, Groups & Backreferences, Sample Code
Collections - Indexed & Keyed
Arrays, Array Methods, Multi-Dimensional Array, Keyed Collections, Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet
Keyed Collections
Map Object, WeakMap Object, Set Object
Objects vs. JSON, Creating, Enumerating Properties, Inheritance, Getters and Setters, Examples
Declaration, Constructors, Private Fields, Getters and Setters, Static Properties, Inheritance, This and Super
Defined and Illustrated, Usage, Chaining, Arrow Functions, Nesting, Examples
Iterators & Generators
Iterators, Generators, Generator Functions, Examples
Meta Programming
Proxy Object
Javascript Modules
Structure, Importing, Exporting, Import Maps, Remapping Module Paths, Scoped Modules For Version Management, Applying, Difference Between Modules & Standard Scripts, Name Conflict Avoidance, Creating Module Object, Modules & Classes, Aggregating
Client-Side Web APIs
Defined, Usage, DOM, DOM Manipulation, Shopping List App
IIFE, Closure Examples
Document Object Model, Create Element, Remote HTML Doc Frag, Dynamic HTML, Web Component, DOM Methods
JavaScript Object Notation, Examples
Using JSON to pass data between client and server, Standard JS, jQuery, XML, Parsing, CDATA, GET, POST, Parameters, JSON Response, XML Response
AJAX & JSON Samples
Examples: Standard and jQuery examples of AJAX GET and POST using JSON and XML.
AJAX & XML Samples
Examples: AJAX and XML, both Standard and jQuery
Forms, Events, Data & AJAX
Event Target, Add Event Listener, Remove Event Listener, Dispatch Event, Event Types, Button Click, Focus, Mouse Event
Form Input
Button, Text Box, Data List, Text Area, Drop Down Lists, List Boxes, Dual List Boxes, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons
Custom Controls
Building, Custom Drop Down List, Masked Input, Custom Check Boxes
Built In Functions & Events
DOM (Document Object Model), DOM Constructor, DOM Instance Properties, DOM Instance Methods, DOM Events, DOM Inheritance
Await & Async
Asynchronous Functionality, Async
Client-Side Frameworks
React, Ember, Vue, Svelte, Angular
Data Structures
Dynamic & Weak Typing, Primatives, Null, Undefined, Boolean, Number, BigInt, String, Symbol, Objects, Dates, Indexed Collections, Keyed Collections, JSON, Type Coersion, Primative Coersion, Number Coersion
Equality Comparisons & Sameness
Strict Equality, Loose Equality, Same-Value-Zero Equality, Comparing Equality Methods, Truthyness & Falsyness
Enumerability & Ownership Of Properties
Enumerable Properties & Non-enumerable Properties, Traversing Object Properties
Inheritance & The Prototype Chain
Inheriting Properties, Inheriting Methods, Constructors, Prototype Chains
Typed Arrays
Typed Array Architecture, ArrayBuffer, Web APIs Using Typed Arrays
Concurrency Model & Event Loop
The Event Loop, Runtime Concepts, Stack, Queue, Heap
Using Canvas, List of Methods, Examples
Music Tabs App
Smart Tab Files with quantative chords that can be transposed into other keys by half steps. Simple parser to convert tabs in a specified format into a smart tab that can be transposed.
Social Media Threader App
A threader app that breaks up text into pieces that can be uploaded to certain social media where character limit contraints are a foactor.
Client-Side Frameworks
Client-Side frameworks include: React, Ember, Vue, Svelte, and Angular to name a few.